Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for October 08, 2008

  1. A allo copyright1996wolfgangniehues
    kudzuman  over 16 years ago

    My car gets 54.5 miles to the gallon and still goes 110mph max (which I’m permitted to drive, too) - so I even that out, Perfesser. But to the others - consider using your brain when buying a car, eh?

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    swolf48110  over 16 years ago

    I only get 24.7 mpg………BUT mine is a four wheel drive truck I can get up and down the mountain I live on even in heavy snow. So…..

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    CoronellaKeiper  over 16 years ago

    Shoe leather works if you live within two miles from where you work.. or work within two miles of where you live. You will still use your vehicle sometimes, just not as much. And you will problably feel better, too.

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    Liowatcher  over 16 years ago

    “Shoe” leather - good pun (intended or not)

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