Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for October 15, 2008

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    swolf48110  over 16 years ago

    Years ago mine was a Ford Torino.

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    terrencestamp90346  over 16 years ago


    Like the only way I’d go to see the new Meg Ryan “The Women.”

    Though Eve Mendes is spectacular.

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  3. Cats
    B0B_E  over 16 years ago

    When obambi takes control of the government and raises all our taxes, we’ll be lucky to have a buick regal left.

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  4. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago

    Yeah Bob, it’s Obama and the democrates. The republicans don’t have a thing to do with it. Man, I know if McCain gets elected all our troubles will be over, we’ll be back in sweet city again.

    Bob, I’m sorry to tell ya but it’s McCain and his cronies that got us where we are today. The government is buying all the banks, and they’re going to start buying up peoples mortgages. Do you think they’ll be doing this to just to help us out? No, they’re doing it because they want to own the banks and our houses. We wouldnt be in this mess if it wasnt for McCain and Bush and all their buddies. I’d rather live in a Buick then see more of what we’ve got going on now continue.

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    paullkellysr  over 16 years ago

    Dypek - I guess you are ignoring the fact that Democrates Carter and Clinton were the two presidents that pushed the banks to give home loans to unqualified buyers. I gues you are also ignoring that Frank Dodd (another Dem) blocked John McCains warning to get control of Freddie and Fanny. And last but not least, I guess you are ignoring that Freddie and Fanny donated more money to Obammas campaign than any other politician. And I guess you are also ignoring that even Pres Bush raised alarms the “sub-prime” loan problems that were looming if something wasn’t done. Democrates block all attempts to get control of the situation before it got this far.

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  6. Daisy1a
    dicktheassrancher  over 16 years ago

    democrats in congress are responsible for relaxing the regulations on the financial industry period

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    howlindawgs  over 16 years ago

    Geez, enough already with the political debate. Just enjoy the bleeep cartoon.

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  8. A allo copyright1996wolfgangniehues
    kudzuman  over 16 years ago

    Indeed. And whee - Carter and Clinton…funny argument. As if Bush didn’t have eight years to straighten that out. He didn’t. He must’ve been afraid of Jimmy “Brutalizer” Carter, I bet. Poor guy. lol And who had the philosophy “Keep government out of the economy”? The same people who are buying the banks now in a last-minute rescue effort. How consistent. That philosophy proved successful, didn’t it? NOT! lol Sorry folks, I can never pass up a straight line. ;)

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