Pluggers by Rick McKee for September 12, 2009

  1. Missing large
    awstewart  over 15 years ago

    where has the color strips gone

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  2. Aguirre
    tc0809  over 15 years ago

    I think the dog reading the notice is the one scheduled for his shots. See, this is where “funny animal” comics perplex me.

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  3. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  over 15 years ago

    Todd – Andy’s a bear, not a dog.

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  4. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 15 years ago

    That’s the look my dog gets, too, when it’s time for her annual visit to the dreaded vet for shots!!!!!

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  5. Missing large
    Cougar90  over 15 years ago

    No. When our dog, Sugar, gets her notice we have to spell S-H-O-T-S, otherwise she would know it was for her.

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  6. Macaw1
    parethed  over 15 years ago

    My dog, Bandit, is always excited to go for a ride in the car…until we get to the vet’s parking lot, then you can’t get her out of the car…

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