Pluggers by Rick McKee for September 20, 2009

  1. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Actually, that might help.

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  2. Large tv test pattern  color
    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 15 years ago

    And have different breeds of snakes hiding in there? No way!!

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  3. Horseshoes3
    McGehee  over 15 years ago

    Josh, what have you got against biodiversity?

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  4. Bbrains 09 08 19
    stonehenge1951  over 15 years ago

    Not mowing reduces his “carbon footprint.” Who comes up with those terms anyway? ;p

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  5. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 15 years ago

    Just because you’re a plugger doesn’t mean you have to have the crappiest lawn in the neighborhood bringing down everyone else’s property values!!!

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  6. Bly head2
    Bill_Wa  over 15 years ago

    Did the same thing with my property, let the grass grow, the weeds abound, place looked like crap. I won an award for biodiversity and “natural” landscaping. The next day I took a mower to it.

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  7. Missing large
    ohreally46  over 15 years ago

    Soon, we will all be required to use alternative-energy powered lawn and garden equipment. I have a suggestion for Al Gore and his merry band of eco-nazis:

    YOU come do my lawn work. Now THAT is my kind of alternative energy. When you’re done, you can all have a sweaty group hug, and continue to feel ( fancifully ) superior to everyone else.

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