Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for October 07, 2008

  1. Schulzsense 0
    Paul1963  over 16 years ago

    MEANWHILE, Gretchen and Tom are out on a dateā€¦

    MEANWHILE, Gus is wrapping up the second summer of his lawn-mowing serviceā€¦

    MEANWHILE, Skeezix and Nina have invited Walt and Gertie over for dinnerā€¦

    MEANWHILE, Eve is up for paroleā€¦

    MEANWHILE, Kathleen Elly has a crush on a guy at schoolā€¦

    MEANWHILE, Corky and Hope want to take a trip and need someone to watch the dinerā€¦

    MEANWHILE, Judy does something to remind us sheā€™s still aliveā€¦

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  2. Missing large
    Eugeno  over 16 years ago

    luks lahk sum kinna wayulth redisterbyushun - o-o-ooohhh - haow uncapidulistick -

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  3. Me
    imrobert  over 16 years ago

    Wow, Paul. Iā€™m impressed. I read this strip as a kid and am just now coming back to it. I am amazed at how extensive the family tree is for this strip and your ability to keep track of it all.

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  4. Ssn585
    Subtorp401  over 16 years ago

    MEANWHILE: Eugeno seems to be lost in Dogpatch.

    Kudos to Paul for keeping up with all this. Iā€™ve missed a few years of the strip.

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  5. Schulzsense 0
    Paul1963  over 16 years ago

    Well, the ā€œTomā€ of ā€œGretchen and Tomā€ is my own creation from the fanfic I wrote on the old TMS board, as is Gusā€™ lawn care business. Jim keeps drawing Gus and Kathleen as if they were nine or ten years old, even though they were born in December 1992. I decided to write something that showed Gus doing something a 14-year-old (in the summer of ā€˜07) kid might be doing, and mowing lawns to make extra money seemed like a good idea. Gus and Kathleen are twins, so a crush seems like a likely storyline for a 15-year-old girl. Hell, Greg Evans dragged out Luannā€™s crush on Aaron Hill for what, fifteen years? We last saw Eve being dragged off by the cops after she invited her biker friends to crash at Waltā€™s back in 2004 (before Gertie came along), so I figure she might be up for parole by now. ā€œSkeezix and Nina have invited Walt and Gertie over for dinnerā€ was the starting point for the storyline weā€™ll probably never see in the strip, no matter how old everyone gets.

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