Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for August 16, 2008

  1. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 16 years ago

    Baskerville’s descendents certainly will be first to sue the city. On behalf of him, they’ll plead “no lo” for attempted bank robbery and Tracy will have to answer to manslaughter. Shirl will be next. Poor Tracy. Then the PETA folks will have to be dealt with.

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  2. 0ca0gnv65caws4te8cajv0y07caq1zgduca9f0krdcaxz3uedcaanhettcax2bi6vca1sojl9cajr2zskca5d1ksacar5id5xcaw6a8m1caydshrhcatu2fvtca9r623xcaf40u61ca73p070cab3ckxx
    EatDickTracySandwiches  over 16 years ago

    Haha, stupid DickTracy spent so much time with the dumb whistles and Animal Control could have put a stop to it all like weeks ago. Thanks a lot for being so slow, Animal Control. Now all of us readers had the pleasure of seeing DickTracy swap spit, I mean, whisles, with all the creeps in this season’s comic. Nice.

    I think the SWAT guy wants a piece of Meat from DickTracy and is going to be pretty upset when he finds out it was all eaten up in a Dog Meat Taco last night.

    Grok, good guess on tomorrow’s comic, but here is my take on it:

    SWAT: What do you mean you ate all the dog meat DickTracy? TRACEY: MGHhhrrrhhh The dogs are knocked out (Tracy is slow) SWAT: Tracey, you are a hero as usual!! (typical praise to DT when he does absolutely nothing)

    LAST PANEL: (text box: Later) TESS: Oh Dick!!, where have you been? I have another suprise for you! (proceeds to be another Halloween themed mansion lock in or other strange slumber part for DT to attend)

    Enjoy your deceased dog meat taco today detective tracy!!

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  3. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 16 years ago

    Don’t everyone run to help the chewed up bad guy! Shirl(ey) probably went into the ladies room to freshen up.

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  4. Missing large
    jwhuzzlepiz  over 16 years ago

    Hahaha! Jpuzzlewhiz is funny how he uses comedy and exclamation points to make us laugh.

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