Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for April 06, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    OOOOOOkay then…..

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  2. Softball
    ridenslide65  almost 16 years ago

    At least the artwork is better today. That is an actual HAND in panel 3. OMG!! I barely recognized it!

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    And it has fingernails!

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  4. Tracy
    coratelli  almost 16 years ago

    Good strip today!! Great!

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  5. Picture 001
    rshive  almost 16 years ago

    B.O. uses the First Mattress Bank.

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  6. Nobozos3
    Froxkrybra  almost 16 years ago

    Stupid? Naw, he’s just a hick…

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  7. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  almost 16 years ago

    Ol’ One Eye must have an IQ of twice that! Big Ace might see a few holes in the plot and One Eye might find himself on top of Queenie.

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    rmax4131  almost 16 years ago

    The way the banks are going these days, B.O. isn’t stupid…he’s smart!

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  9. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 16 years ago

    Looks like there is a strip “update” on TMS’s Locher/Brozman’s BIO. Strips run from late April to May 2nd


    Suggests there is a lot more action ahead rather than watching perfume being made, watching robots fight and kicking one on the ground.

    There is enough happening to make you “think” there has been some “input”… a little more than Locher moving events forward in the usual dull and sedate manner.

    B.O. is thrown out of a car in Iowa to walk home. A gang member is caught in a Bear trap outside Sunny Dell Acres, Gertie stands ready to shoot, while Tracy slugs it out with One-Eye at the Casino and appears to rip off a mask.

    Must admit, a lot MORE happening at the “same time” in one week’s panels than we have seen since Collins left. Enough to bring the brain cells to “attention”!

    Could say, “presentation” (there), has moved up from “F” to “Pass”!

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  10. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  almost 16 years ago

    At least, for the most part, we’re not suffering through recap after recap even if the storyline isn’t the greatest.

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  11. Missing large
    Mattaden65  almost 16 years ago

    Thanks Sydney Phillips for the link. Looking ahead, improvements may be on the way. Those future strips are much better than what we have been seeing for a long time.

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  12. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    one eye—you know, one-eyed JACKS! ….those used to be the wild cards in my poker games as a child…one-eyed jacks and suicide kings! forgive me if I am stating the obvious….


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  13. Odd spots 002
    sydney  almost 16 years ago

    It’s not my intention to appear “insensitive” (Age wise, I’m not that far away), but scratch below the word “recap” and you may find that it is an euphemism for “nodding off”. The “recaps” are often one revolution per minute faster than “stalling”. When he wakes up he often needs to “crank” the engine.

    It seems that for many years, that has been the state of affairs in “Locher Land”

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