An uncle said that during the depression he and his brothers took slingshots to the open fields and brought back jack rabbits, so the family ate. A rich man saw their perfect aim, took them to the rifle range at his club to wow and humble his friends,.. but my uncle and his brothers could not hit a non-moving target at all. :-)
TiggerLeBounce over 16 years ago
CoronellaKeiper over 16 years ago
An uncle said that during the depression he and his brothers took slingshots to the open fields and brought back jack rabbits, so the family ate. A rich man saw their perfect aim, took them to the rifle range at his club to wow and humble his friends,.. but my uncle and his brothers could not hit a non-moving target at all. :-)
CoronellaKeiper over 16 years ago
Maybe those on the archery range cannot hit a moving target, either.