Broom Hilda by Russell Myers for October 01, 2008

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    vicmartinlb9  over 16 years ago

    Who pays her?

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    CoronellaKeiper  over 16 years ago

    Tee hee, she has hidden non-taxed income, betcha. A little fruit tree here, a nice herb garden there, a few more fruit and nut trees scattered around, heh-heh. Oh, and the “value added” that she doesnot pay taxes on, when she cooks from scratch and gets it to taste the way she likes best. Heh-heh-heh, little do they see of what she is thinking about behind those wide eyes. Good, they are fooled, the fools!

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    apwasden  over 16 years ago

    Actually it is probaly the government’s fault she doesn’t have any income left to file on.

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