Bless me, Broomie! –A bit off-topic, perhaps, but the 3 “bongs” reminded me of this fine Alison Krauss version of the old classic:
Please tell me this strip isn’t starting to get religious, like “BC” did. I hated it when an intellectual humor strip turned into a series of Chick tracts, and I don’t want to see it happen to “Broom Hilda”; there are so few good comic strips as it is.
Sisyphos almost 16 years ago
Bless me, Broomie! –A bit off-topic, perhaps, but the 3 “bongs” reminded me of this fine Alison Krauss version of the old classic:
stonehenge1951 almost 16 years ago
If it’s from the spirit of Cotton Mather you’re in trouble Broomie.
tirnaaisling almost 16 years ago
Broomie already follows a valid religion
Sherlock Watson almost 16 years ago
Please tell me this strip isn’t starting to get religious, like “BC” did. I hated it when an intellectual humor strip turned into a series of Chick tracts, and I don’t want to see it happen to “Broom Hilda”; there are so few good comic strips as it is.