Annie by Jay Maeder and Alan Kupperberg for June 05, 2009

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    cmread  almost 16 years ago

    This is why I love Warbucks! He tells it like it is!

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 16 years ago

    Way to stand up for a principle Daddy! Don’t worry about the tens of thousands worldwide that will be out of a job.

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    HankF  almost 16 years ago

    The point is, don’t invite inflation by “printing gov’t money”. If a business is failing (i.e. those banks which made stupid, greedy decisions) let them fail. Other ambitious companies will emerge, and employment will follow. Stimulus programs: the road to Socialism! GM…government motors. Why is GM failing and Honda isn’t? Check out self-serving unions, greedy upper management. Way to go Daddy Warbucks!

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    sandystrainer  almost 16 years ago

    This is where Sandy’s trainer tells Hank F that the auto unions didn’t design inferior cars made with sub-standard materials to cut costs in the 90’s to put the American Auto companies in the situation they are in now.

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  5. 125px flag of colorado svg
    CaptainColorado  almost 16 years ago

    Way to go, Warbucks!

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  6. Bald eagle
    jimeguess  almost 16 years ago

    GREAT! A true conservative that does not want government to bail him out! GO WARBUCKS! Tell Obama to take a hike!

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    HankF  almost 16 years ago

    this is where Sandy’s trainer doesn’t know that union workers notoriously slack off during normal hours to come in for overtime, and that union workers demand that new employees slow down production, and that union electricians strut around the plants like kings holding up production. Let GM fail, management AND union are to blame.

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    HankF  almost 16 years ago

    p.s. first hand knowledge from chrysler plant in Newark, Del. Gm plants are no different.

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  9. Nelson muntz
    nelson-muntz  almost 16 years ago

    when you pay a uy $35.00 a hiur to sweep floors you gotta be losing money

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  10. Pict1081
    nlnap19  almost 16 years ago

    Must agree with HankF as I also worked for many years in a large unionized plant that supplied all of the automakers US and worldwide. The failure of GM & Chrysler are due to over greedy unions and the democrat congressmen (& women) they help elect. A UAW worker can go to work at age 25 and retire at 55 with a generous pension and medical being paid until death which may be 30 years. Not bad. Work 30 years and then get paid for not working for 30 more. The ridiculous CAFE standards imposed by democrats on the automakers combined with the overbearing work rules imposed by aggressive unions combined with inferior products for decades have also contributed to GM/Chry’s demise. We also have too many automakers, both domestic and foreign, trying to build and sell cars and trucks in the US. GM should have been allowed bankruptcy and reorganization without the billions of taxpayer dollars funneled into them which have disappeared without a trace. As with the large financial institutions they should have been allowed to fail, declare bankruptcy and then reorganize or be purchased by their competitors. This was, of course, liberal democrat greed. Most of the biggest investment firms on Wallstreet are run by liberal democrats. They give heavily to democrats. Think Warren Buffett. Also this mortgage crisis with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was caused by the thieving democrats who ran these institutions, Franklin Raines being chief among them, and Sen. Chris Dodd and Rep. Barnie Frank who, along with the Clinton administration, insisted that they make unsecured loans to their constituents who had no possibility of paying them back. These GSEs (government sponsored entity) should have never been created and then never allowed to grow and then never used to make money for democrats nor allowed to make campaign contributions to democrats. Government caused this crisis and now they want their greedy hands to solve it by spending trillions of dollars of our money.

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  11. Head shot cho
    Madman2001  almost 16 years ago

    Way to go, Daddy. Thank goodness someone has a sense of right and wrong.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  almost 16 years ago

    Warbucks has the right ideal! Government itself is nothing but one giant crime syndicate, either Elephant or Jackass! We can run this county on our own! We don’t need a bunch of S-O-B’s we elected every two years mucking it up and making it worst!

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    FrancoD  almost 16 years ago

    “Stimulus programs: the road to Socialism!”

    Funny, I was told exactly that by a civil servant who gets gov’t provided health coverage and will receive a healthy pension upon his retirement. He wants me to pay for his health insurance, but he won’t pay for mine because it’s socialism… Nice!

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  14. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    For years the government was pushed by capitalists and industrialists to shun Communism because it threatened their money making. Now those same capitalists are hurting and want the government to edge closer towards that same socialist style economy and bail them out.

    What we need is a completely new economic system. With all the mess we’re in now it is the perfect time to do it, what can it hurt? Economic, business and political leaders from around the world need to meet and agree on what works, what doesnt and how to proceed.

    I don’t think I’m the only one who is sick of seeing good people work all their lives for nothing while others sit in an office somewhere shuffling papers around and getting rich. A system where people can get insanely rich by moving money from one pocket to another is flat dead busted. We shouldnt feel bad about dumping a system that we know is corrupt.

    Call me a socialist, I don’t care. As long as my Mother doesnt end up losing her house and my son has a chance to own one one day I’ll go along with any reasonable suggestion you can give me.

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    strodgers  almost 16 years ago

    Why does a guy whose headquarters is in Mexico is being offered a bailout from the US Gov’t?

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  16. Youngfrankzappa
    blazeriffic  almost 16 years ago

    obama 9% unempoyment print more money it will take a wheelbarrow full to buy a gal of milk.

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  17. Simpsonized me close up
    mrprongs  almost 16 years ago

    Capitalism has failed. Why not try Socialism?

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  18. Garfield
    linsonl  almost 16 years ago

    Socialism? Why not try Communism. It sure worked great in the U,S.S R., China, and Cuba. The Berlin wall wasn’t built to keep us out.

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  19. Rick
    davidf42  almost 7 years ago

    Morning, Anniephans!

    You don’t have the authority to fold the firm!

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