Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for October 04, 1998

  1. 866be256 c7fb 4a85 a4c7 78196b6b8159
    Portista  over 6 years ago

    Remarkably dated. From the point of view of the Trump era, Clinton’s sins were limited to a consensual affair with an intern— he didn’t boast of ‘grabbing women by the pussy’, or pay off porn stars and centerfolds to hide affairs; he didn’t pass secret information to our nation’s enemies, he didn’t…

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    oded.haber  almost 3 years ago

    Kenneth Starr was and is a prurient political shit -groveler.

    Bill Clinton, if anything, was worse “That woman, …”

    Both should have their pants pulled down and be spanked. In public. Early and often.

    Once a week for the next 10 years should do it. [Starting now.]

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