Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 29, 2008
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling News of the Times Kinich Ahau Index Down 340 Maize Production Sags Further The Kinich Ahau crisis continues to take its toll on all agricultural production, as we enter our fifth quarter of severe drought and ominous prophecies. Yam farmers came to Copan to request at least 200 sacrifices to bail out their struggling crops. Man: We must not forget that our yam yield is vital to our war effort. Consumer confidence in Chacs is at a fifty-year low, which only angers the rain gods, causing a vicious cycle. Man: I'm not buying a jade idol this year, because you-know-who ain't giving us any rain. Man #2: What's that tremb... Man #3: EARTHQUAKE! This Tzolkin Man #1: Is our civilization about to fall? Of course not. We just need to use the same tools we've used for centuries to manage the economy. Man #2: Yes, we must pursue a prudent path of blood offerings and sacrifices. Eagle Claw: Sure, we could just HAND OUT our maize reserves to the public. But it isn't it wiser to SACRIFICE it to Hun-Nal-Ye and let the benefits TICKLE DOWN to the commoner? Eagle Claw, Ancestor Venerator Priests are concerned, but remain optimistic. Priest: Our civilization, the greatest Kinich Ahau ever created, will flourish for thousands of years, all the way to the end of time, in the year 2012.
foxglove16 over 16 years ago
What a perfect way phrase the argument. You can’t let the “free market” work it out when it’s obvious the “free market” isn’t working!
Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago
You said it, Foxglove. The current price of gas shows the law of supply and demand doesnt work anymore. It’s just the law of “We’ll charge you what we feel like charging you” these days. The actual demand for gas is most certainly higher than it was this time last year. Does it make sense then that the price is half of what it was two months ago? I’m not complaining, it just worries me that things are so out of whack.
tobybartels over 16 years ago
I’ll be sure to mark the date
2012 December 21: It's an exaggeration to say that they believed that the world will end then, (although some modern new-agers do).