Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 14, 2009

  1. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 15 years ago

    This is the best one yet!

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  2. Spiral2
    Desultourist  over 15 years ago

    I know itā€™s supposed to be satirical. But is it? I mean, theyā€™re going to make a movie out of a vector-based video game from 1979. Theyā€™re also working on movies based on board game brands such as Battleship, Candyland, Clue, Monopoly, and Ouija. (No, this isnā€™t a joke.) Please, donā€™t give them more ideas.

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  3. Img00025
    babka Premium Member over 15 years ago

    ā€¦and thereā€™s ā€œPolice Kidā€ā€¦ā€¦ a franchise with legs.

    saw armed (with machine guns) black-helmeted swat ā€œanti-terrorā€ police posing in front of Broadway theaters on 44th Street last Sunday. Standing in front of posters for HAIR and HAMLET, having their pictures taken with tiny tots.

    alert level was orange, doncha know.

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  4. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member over 15 years ago

    ā€¦as long as they ainā€™t makinā€™ no bleeep dumb movie out of this here strip..

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  5. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago

    If they use the Souixsie and the Banshees song, Iā€™ll be first in line.

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  6. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  over 15 years ago

    Hey, I made a video/movie of MY son playing ā€œpeekabooā€ when he was little, and I thoroughly enjoyed it - I would have paid money to see it, as a matter of fact. Iā€™ll even sell the movie rights to the Dancing Bug - have your people call my people, OK?

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  7. Missing large
    edgeways  over 15 years ago

    Funny comic, and I saw that even though I loved the movie Bolling is poking fun at here. I generally HATE movies made from books, with one or two exceptions.

    FWIW responding to above comments: Clue was already made into a movie, there has already been untold numerous movies made from video games, cartoons, role playing game, comic strips (Over the Hedge anyone?), comic books, even friggen 2 minute long SNL sketches, this is nothing new and will continue ad infinitum. It happens because people are desperate for ideas.

    Where the Wild Things Are (the movie being poked at here) was actually thoughtful and artistically done, the same, canā€™t be said for 99% of ALL movies no matter what their source material was.

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  8. Missing large
    seablood  over 15 years ago

    The movie business is dead! Just like Broadway, also, is dead. Whoā€™s idea was it to produce ā€œShrekā€”the Musicalā€ !

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  9. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 15 years ago

    Of course, there are (still, so far) libraries full of books.

    Now you may have noticed, to turn a book of novel length into a movie, you have to boil it down to a (very) short story, and (maybe) let the scenery folk put some of the rest into the background. Or just start with a short story.

    But publishing being what it is, really fresh ideas are still hard to find. SF gets tapped more recently, but the film ā€˜treatmentsā€™ are rarely kind to the ideas in the stories.

    Oh, for the days of The Twilight Zone, when real SF writers were given the reins to write. Thanks, Rod Serling, wherever you are!

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  10. Avatar
    ArtyG  over 15 years ago

    Iā€™m waiting for the sequel: ā€œGot your nose!ā€

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  11. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  over 15 years ago

    And coming to big screen in 2011, the beloved family classic, ā€œCome Here And Pull My Finger.ā€

    Rated R, for some reason we canā€™t quite fathom.

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  12. Img 0433
    wilburgarrod  over 15 years ago

    Oh and this little piggie went to market this little piggie stayed home this little piggie had roast beef this little piggie had none & this little piggie went wee wee wee all the way home.

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