Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 09, 2010
Tom the Dancing Bug's Super-Fun-Pak Comix Edited by Ruben Bolling Wait For The Punchline Child: I'm gonna be an astronaut! Boss: We'll need those numbers by Friday. Dr. Professor Dr. Professor: Good lord, what a discovery! Woman: What is it, Dr. Professor? Dr. Professor: Use this microscoe to view the corner of this table. Woman: Pixels? Dr. Professor: Everything is made up of them! Even us! Woman: Who created them? Chaos Butterfly Brazil 2007 FLAP! Chicago, 2039 Man: The virus-mutants are attacking! Man: #&@/* CHAOS BUTTERFLY! Mutant: GHAAAR... Dinkle, The UNlovable Loser Dinkle: People think you're just an imaginary friend. Dinkle: But I know you're real! Dog: KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. KILL. Dinkle: Ha,ha! Okay, already! Too-Many-Thought-Balloons Comix Menu Customer: Should I have an omelette? Nah, it comes with home fries, and I hate asking if I can substitute french fries! I'll have a hamburger. Man: Oh, damn. I forgot to pick up my anti-fungus medication at the drug store. I'll go after lunch. Waiter: Do you like your hamburgers rare? Man: If snow ever melts in Antarctica, even if it only snows a few inches a year, why doesn't it build up to piles millions of feet high? No, frequent. How to Draw Doug Doug: It's E-Z! 1. Be born a healthy homo sapien. 2. Ingest nutrients and metabolize. 3. Grasp writing utensil with prehensile appendage of anterior limb. 4. Drag utensil across smooth surface in manner to duplicate interlocking shapes shown below. Doug: Voila!
jnik23260 almost 15 years ago
So THAT’S why I can’t draw Doug!
dick2002ti almost 15 years ago
must kill bikini
Larry Miller Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I see no bikini. That’s good but different from the usual bikini removal.
danwall88 almost 15 years ago
Now I’m wondering about Antarctica.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago
and this is your brain on drugs
Ushindi almost 15 years ago
I much prefer home fries. I don’t WANT to draw Doug (but I could if I wanted). Who created the pixels? God-Man! Yay for God-Man! (About time for another “God-Man”, Ruben…)
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 15 years ago
The astronaut is going to be pixelated if the chaos butter fly does not get his imaginary friend a rare hamburger.
Draw that!
Oh, wait - he already did - never mind.
jpozenel almost 15 years ago
Whew! What a relief!
I never wanted to be an astronaut.
bonknusmirk almost 15 years ago
re antarctica: sublimation of snow could esplain that. Even in sub-freezing temps, snow in sunlight can change from solid directly to gas (water vapor) without first becoming liquid. But maybe I’m wrong maybe I’m wrong! I’m no glaciaciaciologist!
BrianCrook almost 15 years ago
That’s everyone’s punch line, and each of us is a straight line.
webgrunt almost 15 years ago
Same thing happens in the mountains in northern regions. What happens is that the snow at the bottom compacts to ice under all that weight. Ice isn’t really a solid at those temperatures and pressures, it’s more like an extremely viscous liquid. The ice flows down the mountain (it’s called a glacier at that point) to the sea where chunks break off and melt.
LittleYipScream almost 15 years ago
I prefer my burger often.