Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 16, 2010
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Presents Another Thrilling Installment Of: Sam Roland The Detective Who Dies This Week: THE SECRET OF HILLBILLY ISLAND KLIK Roland was hired by Art Prescott, Esq, to investigate the disappearance of his partner Bill Sloan. Sam: Right. First I'll check out Sloan's apartment. Sam: The radio was left on... music. BZZZT Sam: And what have we here? Radio: We interrupt this program... Sam: Some sort of dirt or soil... Radio: any bomb shelter immediately... WHEEP! WHEEP! Sam: In fact, the exact kind of soil found only in Western Appalachia... Radio: ...have mercy on our souls... BOOM And so, the strange goings-on at Hillbilly Island will forever remain a secret, as ends another adventure of Sam Roland, the detective who dies!
Osama bin Forgotten must have excavated Saddam Hussein’s WMD’s buried in the Syrian desert.