I hear and agree fully about the ramifications of the various driving styles. after 150,000 miles of close monitoring, I find my current car gets its best mileage (approx. 24.3 mpg) in the range of 74 to 78 mph. Diffent cars are built to function in different ranges.
In case we end up getting stuck in ‘Comic Standstill Land’ again - the link to the Houston Chronicle comics - which includes PLUGGERS - is at
JerryGorton about 16 years ago
55 saves gas for me in my Prius, but the others use it up by hitting the horn and flooring it.
McGehee about 16 years ago
As long as the slowpoke is in the right lane, I’m okay with however slow he wants to go.
It’s when there are two of them puttering along side-by-side that I get a tad miffed.
JonD17 about 16 years ago
I hear and agree fully about the ramifications of the various driving styles. after 150,000 miles of close monitoring, I find my current car gets its best mileage (approx. 24.3 mpg) in the range of 74 to 78 mph. Diffent cars are built to function in different ranges.
arceedee about 16 years ago
I just hope we don’t meet him coming into a crowded highway, pulling off the entry ramp going into our lane, right ahead of us…
DebJ4 about 16 years ago
In case we end up getting stuck in ‘Comic Standstill Land’ again - the link to the Houston Chronicle comics - which includes PLUGGERS - is at HOUSTON CHRONICLE COMICS http://www.chron.com/apps/comics/showComics.mpl