Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 22, 2011
Brad: "I got laid off, dad. City budget problems" Dad: "They're laying off firefighters now?! What's next, school teachers?!" Dad: "Oh, wait. They did that already" Brad: "Your library job may be next, Luann" Luann: "I'm a volunteer. My job's safe" Brad: "It's not a JOB if there's no pay, y'know" Luann: "Reading to hyper pre-schoolers? It's a job" Mom: "Hon, you like TJ, right?" Dad: "Uh...why?"
Rakkav over 13 years ago
Actually, Luann IS a sweetheart…except when she isn’t…which is the heart of her humor. She’s what Calvin would be if he were a teenaged girl.
Scrum over 13 years ago
and funnier too
wiselad over 13 years ago
would not Calvin “mature somewhat” and be like male version of Rose of “Rose is Rose”?
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
How Luann pays for her car is a mystery, especially since Evans made a big song and dance about it in a storyline years ago. Best not to expect rational thought or logic in this strip.
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
He walked in on Nancy, not Luann,
Talker123 over 13 years ago
I think Greg needs to regroup. Brad and Toni were going to get “mushy” later. Instead, he is at home talking about being unemployed. The Toni story line just vanishes. Also, Brad qualifies for unemployment, etc. His resume will include outstanding letters from his former employers and he can train for a parallel career in a number of specialties. Right now, everyone is just standing around. Not real good right now.
wiselad over 13 years ago
Rose is one who “imagines herself” as a bike chick and other things; Jimbo is the eternal romantic who keeps leaving poetry for Rose around
wiselad over 13 years ago
of the main girls,(not counting Rosa) the best friend would be for some people “Delta” and others “Toni”, the worse is Tiff.
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
You’re going to do it whether anyone asks you to, anyway. And your list will have Dirk on top and Brad at the bottom. It’s perfectly predictable.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
I kinda like like the reversals of perspective in panel 3. (The important stuff is happening in the background, while in the foreground we have playful sibling banter….)
wiselad over 13 years ago
luann worked in the public pool, and she got paid to be Zeye
wiselad over 13 years ago
how long has it been? 7, 8 yrs? and is she is still paying TJ for the car? or Frank paid half and Lue half? I forgotten
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
TJ is not even there. He has no idea that Nancy is evicting him from his home. Just how quickly you thinking you are gonna rent out this house, Nancy? Bradmay find a new job before you find a new tenant. At least Brad will be able to save all of his unemployment ins. Unless Nancy plans to charge Brad to live there, too.
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
@Talker123 – It seems that Nancy is more interested in bringing her little boy back home. If Brad does not mention Unemployment Ins., I doubt she will. And having TJ there to do her cooking is fine by her, even if she is occasionaly interrupted in the bathtub.
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
As far as getting “mushy” goes – Game cancelled on account of rain. That’s what happens when life yanks the rug out from under your feet.
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
Gee Whiz, Frank QUIT whining in front of your son and be STRONG for him and offer encouragement and a ray of HOPE! I’d HATE to see You LOSE Your job! No woner Nancy’s calling all the shots! Oh one MORE thing: Next time THINK before You Vote! Ooops. I just made a “Political” comment! Bad Mordock, Bad Mordock! Time for COFFEE….,
mrsullenbeauty over 13 years ago
@ Bill the Butcher – Nicely done!
Terrywoebegone over 13 years ago
@Talker123-Definitely needs to regroup. He seems to do this, develop a story then drop it suddenly. He did it with TJ and his past and brought Elwood Druit in and he mysteriously disappeared. I also think the Toni story will end as was posted last week, The character has too many hang ups and insecurities, as well as a niece who’s responsibility she puts first. I had a real life situation like that once. It’s over.
glkailsik over 13 years ago
Go for it.
Sundoulos over 13 years ago
If I were Brad,In absence of trying any other firefighter positions in nearby towns, I’d try to immediately get trained as an EMT and look for a job as a paramedic. Hopefully Greg will use this to show that Brad has the character to overcome adversity (without glossing over the job loss thing.)
imbaldeagle over 13 years ago
Come on – Bring Toni to the fray. We need her perspective.
BurritoBandito over 13 years ago
Until they shut down the library. It happens.
Forest Girl over 13 years ago
I hope this strip doesn’t go the way of “For Better or for Worse”. Comics are supposed to be funny. I don’t read them for serious life drama. And getting let go due to budget problems isn’t funny.
jadoo823 over 13 years ago
…why is Luann getting so bashed? She is, after all, supposed to be a teenager – her upbringing was solid, but most teens have a natural tendency for self-centeredness – it’s part of growing up. When you point out to her (and any other teenager) that they have been insensitive, they usually try to correct the behaviour…it IS an ongoing process, none of us popped up from the earth fully functioning adults…and as to the slightly chaotic family scene above, looks normal to me for times when bombshells are dropped, everyone will regroup quickly once the shock wears off, and it’s actually nice to see Luann and Brad acting normal brother-sister with each other (slightly snarky comments here, but would defend each other to the death in a serious situation…)
clarke3060 Premium Member over 13 years ago
No ’mushy" for Brad & Toni!
kawenakali over 13 years ago
@ProfessorChaos ~ I don’t think the girls hate Tiffany out of jealousy. I think they dislike her because she’s obnoxious.
billdi Premium Member over 13 years ago
i think brad has a surprise in store for his mom; she’s taking charge of the entire situation without even asking what anyone else wants to do. as others have noted brad has lots of options — he doesn’t need to return home immediately.
red48096 over 13 years ago
Sheesh!!! Louann is greedy? What about you mom? This is really too close to home to be funny. l think brad should wish TJ good luck and move in with Toni. l wonder what mom would think about that.
Bbwadmirer over 13 years ago
I think Nancy should give Brad at least a month to find a job before he has to move back home.
Siennah over 13 years ago
Wow, you people need a life. It’s a COMIC STRIP. Talk about overanalyzing something to death.
coastie90 over 13 years ago
Nah, I think you’ve done enough.
iandayre over 13 years ago
I see this has been mentioned before, but I really do hope that the strip acknowledges that Brad will qualify for unemployment compensation having been laid off. He will NOT be destitute and need an allowance from Dad!
rhonda Premium Member over 13 years ago
Didn’t Brad and Toni join the department about the same time? Why wouldn’t she be losing her job too?
Bbwadmirer over 13 years ago
Drad failed his physical the 1st time so Brad started a year later than Toni did
Bbwadmirer over 13 years ago
I meant Brad typo
arbyisme over 13 years ago
Does Frank and Nancy’s house have a basement? Don’t think so, but could be wrong.
doverdan over 13 years ago
This is a humorous strip. The humor this week is how everyone goes rushing off into trivialities and self concerns at a challenge. == That it what is being made fun of here!! =
doverdan over 13 years ago
The humor lies in that it often goes that way (rushing off into irrelevant trivialities and self concerns.) == So far Nancy seems the worst at this, jumping at conclusion after conclusion. == Brad has the problem, in real life he would be the one to solve it. And that may be what happens here. I predict that Luann will be supportive of his decisions, maybe more than Frank, who is depicted (like most fathers in comic strips today) as rather “a loose wheel.”
bigboxes over 13 years ago
I honestly don’t miss these comments. Way too many trolls.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’ve been reading Luann for years and love all the characters…good or bad. It’s a great strip.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Sigh…. some people (no one in particular, and whoever you are, obviously I couldn’t mean YOU) bash the characters, rehash ridiculous accusations and and ask the same pointless questions over and over. Why? Just to get attention. Don’t give them any! If they huff and puff and demand answers, don’t give them any, It’s like baby-sitting Shannon.Bill the B you called it well up there someplace. But you’re not the T-word cos the hat doesn’t fit. Sorry.
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
It’s surprising that the subject of unemployment insurance has not arisen yet. It’s surprising UNTIL you realize that Nancy has an ulterior motive for not bringing it up. Nancy wants her baby back where she can protect him for that vixen, Toni. In her home she can watch over him and control him. Under her roof, her rules will apply. Evicting TJ is just the icing on thew cake. Now she doesn’t need to enter the kitchen except to refill her coffee. Nancy thinks she has made all of the decisions. Brad now has decisions to make, too.
Chocoloop over 13 years ago
‘Honey, you like T.J’., right?’ Way to sucker him in, Mom!
RinaFarina over 13 years ago
@talker123; it’s only been 2 days! Give them time! There’s no reason to assume that Toni will never appear again!
mini.magician over 13 years ago
I bet TJ has some way to pay the rent.
doverdan over 13 years ago
Since it’s “city budget problems” that cause this layoff, maybe the Mayor’s house will burn down, or be rescued by Brad.
Vyee over 13 years ago
Never thought of this before… but does Luan dye her hair?? How did she end up a blonde wither her family all having black hair?
BillWa over 13 years ago
And now the rant. I can see the complaint over public safety employees, but what makes teachers so sancrosanct? Schools don’t hire teachers, they hire the union.
Belinda Banana Ana over 13 years ago
LAWL! I want to see a teenage girl calvin!!!! XD
Silverclaw over 10 years ago