Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for June 05, 2011

  1. Aaron j
    waynes60  almost 14 years ago

    I’ll have to give Sluggo one of those NASA space pens for his next birthday. Thankfully my keyboard at least lets me type on my lap. If I was about 200 lbs heftier, I could type on my belly.

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    ericgrunewald  almost 14 years ago

    While NASA spent millions of dollars to develop a pen that worked in zero gravity, the Russians just use a pencil. Now, we have to hitch a ride from them if we want to go upstairs.

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    saprinter  almost 14 years ago

    Teresa, what is terrible is that Houston won’t even get a shuttle for display because the useless person in the White House lost Texas in the election. Spite

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    GuyGilchrist  almost 14 years ago

    Love doing the sundays the most. The color on sundays is done by the great Tom brenner, who has helped me on color on and off since my Jim Henson’s MUPPETS years!It’s great to be here on GoComics and seeing so many old friends and new readers! Thanks so much for reading NANCY! I also have another strip here at GoComics called TODAY’S DOGG! You might check it out while you’re here.

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  5. Wolfstorm
    FENRISULFR  over 12 years ago

    Kid’s quite creative, he is. It’s all in the angles and positions.Didn’t know he had it in ’im. And a fellow Thor fan, as well!

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  6. Chrysanthemum
    comixlover347  about 12 years ago

    why would they lose points?! at that age, they’re supposed to use pencils

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