I did a comic about Dogzilla chasing rabbits a couple of years ago. Frank (the Grandfather) insisted that Dogzilla was dreaming of chasing rabbits. Larry said that was impossible. Frank became outraged, demanding to know if Larry and the kids thought he was too old, senile and stupid to know anything any more. Larry calmly responded that Dogzilla had never SEEN a rabbit, and therefore couldn’t dream about one. There was a punchline that revealed something about interpersonal relationships and aging, but I don’t recall what it was.
‘Course I don’t recall. It was anywhere from seven hundred to a couple thousand cartoons ago. Just recalling that I’ve done that many makes my head hurt, much less trying to recall each remarkably clever, convolutedly arrived-at, and innately insightful punchline. I may be using the wrong adjectives there, depending on your opinion of the strip…
StelBel over 13 years ago
I knew it!
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Because of the family nature of this strip, Lewreader ’s comment will not be shown, again.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
And here I thought they dreamed about chasing rabbits!
gregcartoon Premium Member over 13 years ago
I did a comic about Dogzilla chasing rabbits a couple of years ago. Frank (the Grandfather) insisted that Dogzilla was dreaming of chasing rabbits. Larry said that was impossible. Frank became outraged, demanding to know if Larry and the kids thought he was too old, senile and stupid to know anything any more. Larry calmly responded that Dogzilla had never SEEN a rabbit, and therefore couldn’t dream about one. There was a punchline that revealed something about interpersonal relationships and aging, but I don’t recall what it was.
gregcartoon Premium Member over 13 years ago
‘Course I don’t recall. It was anywhere from seven hundred to a couple thousand cartoons ago. Just recalling that I’ve done that many makes my head hurt, much less trying to recall each remarkably clever, convolutedly arrived-at, and innately insightful punchline. I may be using the wrong adjectives there, depending on your opinion of the strip…
gregcartoon Premium Member over 13 years ago
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m dying to know what the heck Lewreader said. Did anyone who can translate it into Familyfriendly see it?