verne: Fashion trends like this* are set by first socks! verne: You'll see...pretty soon everyone will be wearing tube socks! Verne: 'cause I'm a first adopter. RJ: more like the last orphan. hammy: There's one! Wait, no. just a leg warmer.
LP1 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Mr. S, I know you’re lovin’ those Hammy looks! All three of them!
Stephen Gilberg over 13 years ago
Wait, who wears just one leg warmer?
Potrzebie over 13 years ago
Trends are established by celebrities, look at the black tube-sock trend. Goes back to some b-ball player I believe.
wilburgarrod over 13 years ago
Just one leg warmer?
Ermine Notyours over 13 years ago
What was the name of the other leg?
Blaize almost 2 years ago
Yo, who mentioned leg warmers last strip? Totally called it.