Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for June 19, 2011
animals: old macdonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-ooo!!....and on the farm he had a cow, e-i-e-i-oo!..with a moo-moo here, and a moo-moo there, here a moo, there a moo...later...and on that farm he had a hamster, e-i-e-i-ooo! with a skritch skritch here...and a skritch skritch there... later...and on that farm he had an elephant seal, e-i-e-i-oo!...with a hoogaba-hoogabo here... later.... and on that farm he had a lungfish..with a...with..a.... with a wheeze wheeze here...
smoore47 over 13 years ago
Fantastic artwork.
firedome over 13 years ago
yay! hammy found a kindred spirit!
Moose56842 almost 13 years ago
Instead of suffocate themselves they just put on ear muffs