Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for January 29, 1989
Calvin: The valiant Spaceman Spiff is led by his captors to a secret dungeon to be debriefed! Little do they realize that our hero doesn't wear briefs! Mom: Eat your dinner, Calvin. Calvin: Ugh. Poised precariously over a percolating pit of putrid pasta, Spaceman Spiff is held prisoner! Monster: Still won't talk, eh, earthling? Calvin: Our her's mind races furiously! Monster: He's had his chance! Let's make him eat! Calvin: Look behind you! Monster: Fool! The human scum escaped! Monster: Not for long, Zokbar-2! And tomorrow morning we'll have cold manicotti for breakfast!
Me_Again almost 15 years ago
Nice alliteration in panel 4.
yow4zip Premium Member about 11 years ago
Nice alien landscape.
bmonk almost 11 years ago
I never realized Spaceman Spiff is a commando.
bmonk almost 11 years ago
Cold pizza for breakfast is better.
the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover about 10 years ago
if he has manicotti, he’ll put it down his shirt and say his intestines broke through his stomach wall.
glowing-steak32 over 6 years ago
Cold manicotti sounds yummy, actually.