Sadly, in real life a lot of people absolutely insist upon looking for deeper meanings to things than what’s really there. []For example, it’s one thing to go “such-and-such director usually references his other works in his movies, and so it’s possible that a few of them are supposed to happen together”. []It’s another thing to try and do a full-on psychoanalysis of the director and his movies because of it.
The thing is that artists that are any good do have deep themes and obsessions that you can find in their works—and loads of subtext. Doesn’t mean that everything somebody says about an artist is true, but those things are there.
The other reality is that, consciously, artists usually do things for pretty superficial reasons. If you ask them why they did something, and they’re honest, the superficial reason is what you’re going to get (“Humongous tits” sounds about right). That’s what they were thinking at the time, not the deep, subconscious stuff.
As for creating the art, for the pros, it is a day job and they are just as prone to weird quirks on their day jobs as anybody else. It’s hard work and the very opposite of romantic when you’re in the middle of it.
That’s why this whole bit with Dmytryk blowing young freshman minds is so hilarious. They’ve got all these dippy fantasies about moviemaking, and he just walks in after decades of making films and KABOOM! KABOOM! KABOOM!
thesnowleopard Premium Member over 12 years ago
I love this whole series with Dmytryk. It never gets old.
twj0729 over 12 years ago
Always good stuff!
Ironhold over 12 years ago
Sadly, in real life a lot of people absolutely insist upon looking for deeper meanings to things than what’s really there. []For example, it’s one thing to go “such-and-such director usually references his other works in his movies, and so it’s possible that a few of them are supposed to happen together”. []It’s another thing to try and do a full-on psychoanalysis of the director and his movies because of it.
thesnowleopard Premium Member over 12 years ago
The thing is that artists that are any good do have deep themes and obsessions that you can find in their works—and loads of subtext. Doesn’t mean that everything somebody says about an artist is true, but those things are there.
The other reality is that, consciously, artists usually do things for pretty superficial reasons. If you ask them why they did something, and they’re honest, the superficial reason is what you’re going to get (“Humongous tits” sounds about right). That’s what they were thinking at the time, not the deep, subconscious stuff.
As for creating the art, for the pros, it is a day job and they are just as prone to weird quirks on their day jobs as anybody else. It’s hard work and the very opposite of romantic when you’re in the middle of it.
That’s why this whole bit with Dmytryk blowing young freshman minds is so hilarious. They’ve got all these dippy fantasies about moviemaking, and he just walks in after decades of making films and KABOOM! KABOOM! KABOOM!