Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for September 20, 1989
Calvin: ...So Moe stole my truck, and when I tried to get it back, Moe wanted to fight me for it. I didn't want to fight, so I walked away and Moe kept my truck. I don't understand it, Hobbes. What makes some people so greedy and mean? Why is it that some people don't care what's wrong and right? Why don't people try to be nice to each other? Hobbes: The problem with people is that they're only human. Calvin: Well, you're lucky you don't have to be one.
LadyBlanc over 11 years ago
Sometimes, it is embarassing.
yow4zip Premium Member over 10 years ago
Xalder over 10 years ago
A very good question, Cal. Wish I had an answer.
bmonk over 9 years ago
‘Cause we’re broken, and we done it to ourselves.
larryzolcienski over 2 years ago
Just look at our “elected” officials.
alexzinuro about 1 year ago
Answers to such questions can be found in The Story of Stuff: The Impact of Overconsumption on the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health—And How We Can Make It Better (©2010) by Annie Leonard. I highly recommend reading it.
alexzinuro 6 months ago
Are you familiar with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (©1950) by C. S. Lewis? I’ll bet that Calvin would’ve loved to have had somebody like Professor Kirke in his life. The Professor admits that his house is a very strange place, and that even he doesn’t know much about it. He understands that even if something doesn’t appear to make sense, it’s not necessarily nonsense.
glowing-steak32 21 days ago
Maybe Moe’s got a rough home life.