Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 28, 2008
"Uh-oh. Gunther made me another costume. He's sweet, but I wonder if I could make him less nerdy?" READER LEADER "Look, Luann! I sewed a pig outfit for when you read 'Charlotte's Web'!" "Sewing's a favorite hobby of yours, isn't it?" "Yup! Right after magic and cartooning!" "Have you ever thought of trying something a big more... edgy? Like skydiving? Or car racing?" "Nope" "Wait'll you see the cute little tail I made!" "This is gonna be harder than I thought..."
overtherainbow about 12 years ago
Magic is a great hobby, too. I tried to learn card tricks, but to my dismay I discovered many of them involve palming cards. My hands are too small to palm a card, so I couldn’t do any of those.
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
This is the story where I got over the Luann/Gunther ship. She thinks she can like him, if only she can completely change him. I can never be OK with that for him.
Faith :) about 9 years ago
i don’t like where this is going
Le'Roy Hawkins about 6 years ago
I like you, and I want to completely change you. Wimmen.