Pig says, "hey, Goat, have you ever heard of a super strong guy named Samson whos strength was all in his hair?" Goat says, "Yeah. His wife Delilah cut it and he lost his power. Why?" Pig says, "No reason." Rat says, "Mullets do not give superpowers."
................arya+eragon=love............. over 11 years ago
goat is like the Linus of pearls.
Ernest Lemmingway almost 8 years ago
Samson’s strength was not in his hair but in a sacred oath to God. One tenet of which was that his hair never be sheared. And Delilah didn’t cut it herself; she had a barber do it. If it was all about the hair I know some guys who should make Superman look like a ninety-pound weakling.
alantain almost 2 years ago
Oh, I don’t know. An enemy paralyzed by hysterical laughter is easier to defeat.