"In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue..."
"And landed, by coincidence, in front of long-term residents."
"So, though Columbus claimed a lot, I reckon he discovered squat."
"This is your fault."
"Now what?"
Columbus did not even touch down on mainland North America. Meanwhile, about half a century earlier Leif Erickson was the ACTUAL first European to reach North America. And millennia before that, the groups that would become Native Americans came across the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska, and eventually found themselves all across the Western Hemisphere. What did Columbus do? Act like a stubborn dill*.
*Sugarcoated to comply with GoComics’s Comment Policy.
SteveWilson4 over 3 years ago
He’s not wrong, of course.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member 4 months ago
Columbus did not even touch down on mainland North America. Meanwhile, about half a century earlier Leif Erickson was the ACTUAL first European to reach North America. And millennia before that, the groups that would become Native Americans came across the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska, and eventually found themselves all across the Western Hemisphere. What did Columbus do? Act like a stubborn dill*.
*Sugarcoated to comply with GoComics’s Comment Policy.