Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for March 12, 1992

  1. Archdean
    LadyBlanc  almost 12 years ago

    Well, you don’t have to get married and have a kid. Then you keep all your money and spend it on what you think is important. Then you can just be lonely!

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  2. Phoenix
    Xalder  over 10 years ago

    You don’t HAVE to have kids…

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  3. 090722 eclipse space 02
    yow4zip Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Like father, like son.

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  4. Picture
    DanWolfie  over 6 years ago

    As Homer Simpson once said to Bart in a similar situation, “Work stinks! School is where it’s at.”

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    Bibleman2002  almost 6 years ago

    Well if Calvin’s dad go back to school, he is the one who gonna be griping. Because he gonna be taught all of that Nazi propaganda and gonna change his tune really fast

    After he get home from school he will say to Calvin: “now I know why you hate school, they are teaching you all that propaganda and making you not think but do what they order you to do”

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