"And who's this?" "Descartes." "Descartes?" "That's not his real name. But we have a big test today, and Mrs. Trevino said be sure and bring our..." "Caps. Thinking caps." "Oh, good. Because all he does is lie on top of my papers."
Rene’ DesCartes walks into a bar and orders a beer. He drinks it rather quickly, and the bartender asks if he wants another. DesCartes says “I think not”, at which point he promptly disappears.
gocubzgo almost 12 years ago
Rene’ DesCartes walks into a bar and orders a beer. He drinks it rather quickly, and the bartender asks if he wants another. DesCartes says “I think not”, at which point he promptly disappears.
childe_of_pan almost 8 years ago
“I am, therefore I think,” which is of course putting DesCartes before the horse…
Bysshe almost 7 years ago
I think I think, therefore I think I am.
Jhony-Yermo over 1 year ago
Well drawn kitteh!! Very good job.
DKHenderson 4 months ago
Just because he’s lying on your papers doesn’t mean he isn’t thinking.