Tarzan on the waterfront will be about as inconspicuous as Tonto was when the Lone Ranger used to send him to town to get information and get beat up. (for those old enough to remember the show)
Funny, I thought this was a “Tarzan” comic strip—-doesn’t The Lone Ranger have his own? Oh well, tomorrow we just might see the last of “Ah-Har-har-har” slowly sink into the muck of the swamp—-I hope.
Olddog1 over 13 years ago
Tarzan on the waterfront will be about as inconspicuous as Tonto was when the Lone Ranger used to send him to town to get information and get beat up. (for those old enough to remember the show)
ossiningaling over 13 years ago
Wow. Did the Lone Ranger really send Tonto into town to get beat up?
profkatz over 13 years ago
Tarzan just wants to beat Mr. Crispy to Serena! Judge Brandt is more Crispy’s type anyway!!
donsabino over 13 years ago
Recalled that before the Lone Ranger sent Tonto to town for information, he gave Tonto a silver bullet to show for identification.
JAMES09 over 13 years ago
Tarzan is like a 1 man army sometimes. :-)
David Beirne over 13 years ago
Olddog1: there was an old Bill Cosby routine, LoneRanger: “Tonto, you go to town.” Tonto: “you go to hell, Kemosabe.”
hossblacksilver over 13 years ago
I remember from my high school Spanish that Tonto means dumb in English… makes me wonder what Kemosabe translates to.
profkatz over 13 years ago
Funny, I thought this was a “Tarzan” comic strip—-doesn’t The Lone Ranger have his own? Oh well, tomorrow we just might see the last of “Ah-Har-har-har” slowly sink into the muck of the swamp—-I hope.