Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 13, 1994
Hobbes: You got something in the mail. It looks like a Valentine card. Calvin: Huh? Hobbes: Open it up. Calvin: It is a valentine! Who would send me a valentine? Hobbes: Read it! Read it! Calvin: "Roses are red, violets are blue, tu-lips are what we'll be kissing, woo hoo! Love, XXOO Susie." Hobbes: Ho ho! Muchas smoochies for el conkisstador! Calvin: AAAUGGHH! This can't be happening! It's all a nightmare! Some horrible hallucination! Hobbes: Susie loves Calvin! Susie loves Calvin! Calvin: I've got to pull myself together! What can I do? My natural studliness has overwhelmed Susie's fragile grip on reality! Hobbes: Big, sloppy smackers! Smmmmrrppp! Hey, there's Susie now! She's coming this way! Calvin: Oh no! Quick! A slush ball! I need a slush ball! Susie: Hi Cal -- Oomp!! Calvin: That's what I think of your mushy Valentine card! Susie: I didn't send you a Valentine card, you smelly, snot-nosed troll! Why on earth would I send a Valentine to you?? Calvin: You didn't? But...but... Susie: I'm telling! Calvin: ...Then who...? Hobbes: Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match... Calvin: You!! You wrote that card! You tricked me! Hobbes: Wheeeee! Love makes the world go round! Calvin: You're gonna see stars go round, I promise!
tchu over 14 years ago
poor guy
insidethenfl about 13 years ago
haha, just like calvin and hobbes on the wagon! :)
Quit yer spamming over 12 years ago
Xalder over 10 years ago
Poor Susie! Why would Hobbes do that?
weatherford.joe over 6 years ago
I feel like Calvin should have realized that Hobbes sent that. That doesn’t even sound like something Susie would write.
yow4zip Premium Member about 6 years ago
Natural studliness, you say?
Comic Man X over 5 years ago
I like Hobbes face in the 6th panel…
CalebPark almost 5 years ago
me to
Ωmega over 4 years ago
Dog_Bone over 2 years ago
I like the last line (said by Calvin)
ComicLover791 4 months ago
Calvin’s reaction