Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 31, 1995
Calvin: There aren't many heroes these days. Who is out there to inspire us with a personal example of virtue and self-sacrifice in the name of a higher good? Who can we look up to? Business leaders? Sports figures? Politicians? Celebrities? Heck, we're lucky if they don't end up in prison! Hobbes: Fortunately, if we can't get inspiration, we'll accept entertainment. Calvin: As usual, the hero business is up to me.
MacBoi over 8 years ago
Last appearance of Stupendous Man. :’(
yow4zip Premium Member over 4 years ago
Calvin, answering the call.
alexzinuro about 1 year ago
I’m surprised that Calvin doesn’t think of Ted Turner, whose environmental cartoon Captain Planet and the Planeteers was on the air from 1990 to 1995. I’m also surprised that, given Calvin’s love of the Earth and also of cartoons, he never references this cartoon. He and his parents should’ve watched it together, especially the episode “In Zarm’s Way”, which stresses the importance of parents being positive role models for their children.
Link from Twilight Princess 12 months ago
Stupendous man is the third best character in this book, besides Spaceman Spiff and Hobbes.