Raising Duncan by Chris Browne for January 24, 2012

  1. Auscat
    Imacyn  about 13 years ago

    He is a terrier and not a bird dog. Terriers are varmint dogs that ‘go to ground’ In fact they have competitions in both UK & USA for it. So he would be looking for varmints such as rats, ground hogs, gophers, rabbits, squirrels and not grouse.

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  2. Atajayhawk
    atajayhawk  about 13 years ago

    Okay: the beard’s a hedge; and he’s going to flush out a rabbit or something.

    Bet he’d chase a grouse, too, if it showed up. I don’t think terriers are all that picky!

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  3. Du icon60
    scottie4851 Premium Member about 13 years ago

    He’s just staring at the crumbs left in Big Daddy’s beard from breakfast!!

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  4. Violet bay
    LiviaBay  about 13 years ago

    hint….hint…..Please Shave….

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  5. Missing large
    Francine Long  about 13 years ago

    Beards always make me wonder what manner of critter might be hiding up there between the hairs or how much food may have been captured as it fell. Some beards way more so than others of course.

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