Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for November 29, 2009
Petey: Look how loose my tooth is! Mom: Petey, stay in line with us. We're almost to Oswaldo Twee! Petey: I don't like Oswaldo Twee's books. They all have that creepy baby Fontanelle. Mom: There he is! Mr. Twee, we love your work! Man: Yes? Mom: This is Alice and Petey, two of your biggest fans! Noise: POP! Man: A HUMAN TOOTH? ZOUNDS! This child is spontaneously disassembling! Noise: FWUMP! Mom: Did you hear what Mr. Twee said when he came to? He said you've inspired him to write a horror novel for adults! Petey: Cool! Alice: Next adult I stand in line for is Santa Claus.
margueritem about 15 years ago
Way to go, Petey!!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Petey, you’re a hero! And now Mr. Twee is cool, too!
Edcole1961 about 15 years ago
Let’s start out with the title. How about, “The Tooth Will Out?”
randayn about 15 years ago
Alice has the right idea.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
The Blue Tooth From the Black Lagoon.
cdward about 15 years ago
Spontaneously disassembling! I love it!
uh-ohkid about 15 years ago
“Zounds” - only RT is willing to use that today - yay
eric stott about 15 years ago
I would LOVE to see a child cough a tooth onto Lemony Snicket
Dmajor about 15 years ago
I’ve got strong deja already vu’d about this episode. Zounds!
rayannina about 15 years ago
Petey is an inspiration to us all.
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
“Revenge of the Tooth Fairy!” by Oswaldo Twee. Think I’ll wait ‘til the movie comes out.
Munodi about 15 years ago
“Zounds” was originally a tremendous oath.”
Ushindi about 15 years ago
Yes, a shortening of “God’s wounds”.
comics4brown about 15 years ago
Spontaneous disassembling would certainly inspire me to write something – perhaps a horror story or perhaps a “do it yourself guide to teeth pulling”….
Constantinepaleologos almost 15 years ago
This has got to be one of the best.
DCStark over 13 years ago
Holey moley – someone with even worse psychological issues and an even stranger phobia than Petey!
calvin.hobbes 11 months ago
Is Mr.Twee supposed to be a Lemoney Snicket parody? (pardon if i misspelled his name)