Steve Benson for November 20, 2009

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    “The lame-brains are creating cartoons! The lame-brains are creating cartoons…!”

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    Conservatives love the flag, but hate everything it stands for.

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  3. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  over 14 years ago

    Puppy’ boogey man, right after libs ;oD

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    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    We’ve tried terrorists on our own soil before. Deal with it. It’s the Republicans who introduced strange new approaches to the “rule of law,” such as “we don’t wanna do it, and we want Congress to eliminate any minor obstacles like warrants.”

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    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Just let New Yorkers have his sorry ass. We got some justice for him.

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    johndh123  over 14 years ago

    Ken Warren , you are such a smug, not-with-it individual with comments like that

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    johndh123  over 14 years ago

    cabrobst said, about 3 hours ago

    “Just let New Yorkers have his sorry ass. We got some justice for him.”

    Easy there fella! Talk like that might just force them to take them all back to Guantanamo! ;)

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  8. And you wonder why
    Kylop  over 14 years ago

    Very well done Mr Benson. Not only does it describe Lady Liberty’s resolve it also points in the direction the rider will go next. “Women aren’t afraid of us! Women aren’t afraid of us!” Which bothers them as much as the terrorists.

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    tpenna  over 14 years ago

    Well done, Benson.

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    Loco80  over 14 years ago

    Actually, Ken hasn’t a clue what the flag stands for. This was not a civilian crime, it was an act of war. The GOP is not afraid of bringing the trial to NYC, they just realize that to make this a civil trial is a travesty. I say lets sue the sun for all those people who have died of skin cancer resulting from recurring sunburns! It holds as much logic.

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    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Individuals without status as a “state” cannot declare war. Al Qaeda is NOT a nation state- thus this was a criminal act.

    Also, German POWs were tried for crimes committed on our soil, in our courts, during WW II.

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    Loco80  over 14 years ago

    Troutmama - Individuals without status as a “state” cannot claim protection under the Geneva convention, either. We can waterboard and torture to our heart’s content if that is YOUR arguement. Fortunately, Americans as a whole understand that would be wrong, no matter the official rules. Even us conservatives. However, Al Qaeda, Iran, Islam, et al have declared a jihad, openly, and in no uncertain terms. If you want to put your ugly puss in the sand and pretend it doesn’t exist, that is your choice. The rest of us have lives to live.

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    citynights  over 14 years ago

    and the statue will protect us and strike fear in the hearts of our enemies better than the military courts, yeah right.

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    Loco80  over 14 years ago

    fennec, you really are an animal. I’ve never met someone in person who has so little regard for human life.

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    charliekane  over 14 years ago

    Best take on this yet.

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    HUMPHRIES  over 14 years ago

    Reading some of the comments here I can’t help wondering is there a lack of reguard for the principles of the US justice system or is it that Justice is to be administered on an as I like it basis.

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    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    I wonder how many willing to deny trials are willing to themselves die for a crime they are accused of, without the benefit of their own fair trial under our laws and Constitution.

    The right to trial is basic to our existence as nation of law. Even the guilty are given the right, not so they can be freed, but so that their punishment is just, and within the law. Of course, if we just make everyone guilty until proven innocent, and hang them all, it makes things very simple.

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    oneoldhat  over 14 years ago

    zero population people think it a good idea

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    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    It is clear that some of you have already let the terrorist win. They want us to be afraid, and panic, and give up our freedoms and rights. Why should they destroy our freedoms when they can just let us destroy them ourselves.

    I know that this is clear to everyone, but terrorist are called terrorist because they use terror as a weapon to make us do what they want us to do.

    The terror is suppose to make us panic, be afraid, and do stupid things. If we don’t panic, and don’t do stupid things out of fear, then the terrorist lose.

    The terrorist are not EVERYWHERE - EVERYWHERE, and they are not going to destroy Americad, they are too few – even the Bush “RED ALERT” people put their numbers at only a few thousand. They are not going to invade and go running through our streets. They are going to do acts of terror, terrible acts, but as long as we don’t let them panic us into doing stupid things they will lose.


    Let’s end this stupid fear, if we let the terrorist panic us they win, if we stay calm, and work with other nations the terrorist will slowly fade away – I know it would be more fun to jump in with bombs and troops and blow them away, but things don’t work that way.

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    Loco80  over 14 years ago

    Mama Trout - I haven’t heard of anyone wanting to deny trials. I certainly don’t. The venue is what is questioned. Military trials do not belong in civilian courts.

    Fennec, I have all the clues of your posts I have read, and they are quite numerous. Unless you only post bovine feces. And I do not recall any of your posts supporting our troups.

    Ken, I think you spend too much time watching sci-fi movies. You are obsessed with fear that does not exist. Paranoia is all in your mind.

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    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    Why is it that the contemporary American liberals reflexively side with America’s enemies?

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    I think they listen to Satan.

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    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    “But wouldn’t it be a shame to have some citizen turn themself into a murderer because our government can’t take a man that waged war on this country, confessed to it, bragged about it and give him the MILITARY trial he wants and the EXECUTION he wants without letting him have the public stage to heap further ridicule on America.”

    I’m not sure if these guys would prefer a civilian court to a military one. Either way, by the law military courts handle soldiers. Those of the detainees that were such can get one. Otherwise they are no more eligible to stand before one than a member of some militia or vigilante. Civilian courts have handled matters of national security before, and have tried and sentenced terrorists.

    The openness of the civilian courts that some people protest is a strength as well. So some of the prisoners may want to make a statement? They believe they are right and want to show it to the world? Very well. I don’t care all that much about what they want But it is also an opportunity for the US to make a statement as well. A statement that anyone, ANYONE, can get a fair trial in America. That the US has nothing to hide or to be ashamed of. That it still stands by its legal system. That even 9/11 can not shake the things it stands for.

    Ken Warren said it right - terrorists don’t have the power to influence US politics, to deprave people of their rights and to make them change their country. Only the people themselves can do that - if they let the terrorists scare them into it.

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    johndh123  over 14 years ago

    DrCanuck said, about 2 hours ago

    “It is NOT the price you pay for freedom. It is the price you pay for invading, conquering, and occupying Middle East countries. Most “free” countries in the world are paying no such price and have no fear of terrorism.”

    DrCanuck, you must share your knowledge of these countries that are free and have no fear of terrorism! Since those of us on the right, are the fear mongers we are, I MUST know where I can find safe haven for my unfounded insecurities!

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    NoFearPup  over 14 years ago

    I’m not afraid of dying…I’m very much against being killed by perpetual, antisocial, malcontents for no d**n reason at all.

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