Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 28, 2009

  1. Pats
    mjlew01  over 15 years ago

    Native Americans weren’t poisoned by organized religion yet.

    Does it seem the entire previous Admin was run by a gang Jeff Redfern’s?

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  2. Cracker
    S_T_F_U  over 15 years ago

    Thank goodness we got rid of the previous, stupid administration. I would much rather have a leader that bows down to our enemies and apologizes for our success.

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    tjm2  over 15 years ago

    Guess who’s on the helicopter trip back

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  4. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  over 15 years ago

    fbjsr: This is the war the new administration said was ‘worth fighting’, but I’m waiting to hear if they can come up with both a rationale and a measurement for going forward.

    I’ll be skeptical if there isn’t some independent benchmark that can be judged beyond generals saying “give us just six more months” (as happened about 12 times in the previous administration)

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    Speak_Less_Hear_More  over 15 years ago

    “War Worth Fighting” - let’s see
the organization that took down the Twin Towers, where were they based? Oh, right, Afganistan. And why were they there? B/c they could be - the country supported them. Did Iraq support Al Queda? No - not until we turned it into a prime training and recruiting site for them. Does Afghanistan continue to support Al Queda and the Taliban? It puts up with them, b/c the other options don’t look so good, or don’t look possible without significant military and econmic support from a major power. Thank God we’ve got a president who’s smart enough to focus on a real issue, instead of seeking a photo op quick win!

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    smoothpate  over 15 years ago

    GEE1A- I’d forgotten about that old Ray Stevens song. Politically Incorrect, but D-A-M-N funny!!!!!!!

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  7. 03bill ps
    billydub  over 15 years ago

    What does “called in an audible” mean?

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    PappyFiddle  over 15 years ago

    I think it means the quarterback changes the play after the huddle. Calls out a code and the team knows what to do. Jeff changed the play at the remote location without conferring with the coach.

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  9. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago

    cholldekkgher, there is a planet we live on called “Earth.” Some parts extend beyond the United States. A previous self-absorbed nation placed the middle of the Earth in their country. Hence “East,” “Near East,” ” Middle East” and “Far East.” The unimportant parts of the planet were designated “West.”

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  10. Arnoldstang
    rvonluchen  over 15 years ago

    I would like to hear tomorrow: (1) what we hope to accomplish in Afghanistan; (2) how we plan to accomplish it; (3) why we think it will work; (4) how much it will cost in money and manpower; and (5) what we can reasonably expect will happen if we just walk away from it.

    Let’s hear some details.

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