Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 29, 2009
Roland: So this is an independent bookstore... kind of creepy. Woman: So without further ado, Books 'N' Stuff is pleased to welcome Fox News legend Roland Hedley! Roland: Thank you, Meredith... I thought I would read you a few Tweets from my latest collection, "My Shorts R Bunching, Thoughts?" "Joe Plumber calls for Sen. Dodd to be lynched. So great hasn't faded away, still contributes." "In salute to beloved icon, Mariah Carey appears at MJ service displaying tribute cleavage." "Vanity Fair Palin piece is must-read. Still haunted by the words: 'indisputably fertile.'" "The night I made it with Donna P., man walked on moon. So I never saw it, but I'll always remember where I was." Woman: My. That was something. Roland: Thanks. I hear that a lot. Woman: You edit yourself, do you? Roland: Have to - I field-Tweet. Why?
sappha58 over 15 years ago
Roland’s head: This Space For Rent.
Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago
Roland ought to get to Afghanistan right away and write the Jeff Redfern story. Those two were made for each other.
ottod Premium Member over 15 years ago
Backup ghost writer for Lou Dobbs.
jpozenel over 15 years ago
I don’t think so ottod. Roland seems much too lucid.
humormehere over 15 years ago
I thought he sounded like a CBS guy…
tcambeul over 15 years ago
He would fit with any of the communist, liberal groups, nbc, cbs, abc or npr. I forgot the canuck groups.
JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago
CBC, CTV, Pravda.CA…
olivestreet about 15 years ago
nice comic…great job!. - freelance writing jobs