Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for December 06, 2009
Mom: Can I try to dance on that? Alice: Mom. Mom: Tra-la-la! Alice: MOM! Mom: Be kind to our web-footed friends. Alice: Hee hee! Mom: For that duck may be somebody's mother! Alice: Ha ha ha! Mom: Big finish - GOOD EVENING, FRIENNNNDS!! Alice: That was great! Don't ever do it again. Mom: Sure! We'll bring Daddy and he can play his harmonica! Alice: Agh!
margueritem about 15 years ago
Mom has stolen Alice’s thunder. Go Mom!
uh-ohkid about 15 years ago
“Don’t ever do that again” How many parents have heard that? Lord knows I’ve said that enough - even now…
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Now that was scary Alice!
MisterFweem about 15 years ago
As a parent I will defend to the death my prerogative to embarrass my children. Honestly, sometimes I’m surprised at their surprise at my bouts of immaturity and whimsy.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Do you love me…now that I can dance?
hmm. I guess not.
cdward about 15 years ago
It is not only my joy but my duty to embarrass my teenage children! I’ll think of a rationale later.
lewisbower about 15 years ago
She’s with someone else. I do not know this person.
Sugie63 about 15 years ago
My kids and I love to talk about the numerous times that I “embarrassed” them in public. What once was misery is now a hoot. :-)
joefish25 about 15 years ago
i love this cartoon!
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
Betcha mom has some old GoGo boots stored in the attic.
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
GoGo boots? There’s one I haven’t heard in ages.
comics4brown about 15 years ago
I can’t wait for the sequel with Alice’s dad playing the harmonica as her mom dances…. maybe Petey could be persuaded to add an oboe part .. then again probably not.
And yep, embarrassing your kids is a time honored tradition – except for now it’s the grandkids I’ll be embarrassing!
kjs9 about 15 years ago
This is totally what my my mom would’ve done…same song too. Love it.
Ushindi about 15 years ago
I love the way Alice is red with embarrassment in the third panel. Great stuff as usual…
kirbey about 15 years ago
Good one grazer !
you have to give them something to talk to their doctors in later years !
deadheadzan about 15 years ago
Alice’s mom is way too cool.
Me_Again over 14 years ago
My mom talks baby talk to my dog. She says weird stuff like “Oozeecooziecuddlykeediecootiebootiecuddeeeeeee”.