FoxTrot by Bill Amend for December 13, 2009
Marcus: Asking for any good video games this Christmas? Jason: A few. I'm asking for "Metal Gear Solid 4" again. Marcus: Yeah, what happened with that last year? Did your parents think it was too violent? Jason: No, my dad misunderstood and bought me four solid metal gears at the hardware store. Marcus: Hmm. Maybe you should just ask for cash. Jason: I tried that once. I got a "Walk the Line" CD.
Flintstoned about 15 years ago
His folks are out of touch.
possiblekim about 15 years ago
Either his parents is stupid or very smart
starmerchant about 15 years ago
Foxtrot has been a favorite of mine for about as long as I can remember. I almost cried when it was announced that it no longer would be a daily strip.
It was almost as much of a blow as when Gary Larsen retired The Far Side…..
“…when will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?”
Ray_C about 15 years ago
starmerchant: I believe those two learned to quit while they were on top.
Allison Nunn Premium Member about 15 years ago
same with Calvin & Hobbes, love the reruns; but always looked forward to the new ones!
jaiel about 15 years ago
Imiss it on a daily basis too.
P.s Jason put that cash into the cd player will change your world!!
ForeverAllstar about 15 years ago
What I want for Christmas is FC back as a daily
Durak Premium Member about 15 years ago
Am I the only one who think Jason and Marcus are taller than they used to be?
I’m with jaiel. Jason only thinks he wants a video game. Once he listens to the Man in Black he’ll find out what he really likes.
Donna Haag about 15 years ago
Nope I’m with Jason on this one. Not a fan of Johnny. To me, the man in black is Roy Orbison
chinook2 about 15 years ago
Bill Amend should totally make a book of all the sunday comics.
Templo S.U.D. about 15 years ago
Ooooh with the final panel. If J.R. (1932-2003) were still alive, he’d laugh at this. ^__^ lol
Rakkav about 15 years ago
More like the fence is diminished due to distance and perspective. But proportionately, the boys seem taller to me also.
krisl73 about 15 years ago
I agree that Bill Amend should make a book of all the Sunday comics, but if it takes about a year to produce a book for a daily comic strip, it would take a lot longer to create one that was just for the new Sunday comic strips.
kfaatz925 about 15 years ago
I dunno… I think Roger’s misunderstandings might be rather brilliant.
AkbartheGreat about 15 years ago
why would anyone comment ever on a comic? all of you are reading way to much into this.
Destiny23 about 15 years ago
Wait a minute, he STILL wants the same game he wanted YEAR ago?!?! Like that would ever happen! They’re probably up to number 7 by now, and Jason wouldn’t be caught dead with number 4…
MommaMadeMe about 15 years ago
I’m sure he put those gears to good use anyway.
treBsdrawkcaB about 15 years ago
Possiblekim - Your mis-use of English makes you sound stupid as well.
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Sounds like my parents…
DerkinsVanPelt218 about 14 years ago
If his parents can’t fathom that he wants a check or GameStop store credit, Jason should do what I do: ask from my hipper, wealthier relatives.
SMALLFRANK1 about 2 years ago
this is my birthday strip:P