The Meaning of Lila by John Forgetta and L.A. Rose for August 01, 2011

  1. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  over 13 years ago

    Annie’s got her figured out.

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  2. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago

    ..the diamond I gave my wife was so small that it was three weeks before she realized she lost it…

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  3. Eartha kitt
    Jaymi Cee  over 13 years ago

    Funny, I thought engagement rings went on the left hand. Why is Drew showing off her right hand instead?

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  4. Zacha
    my_discworld  over 13 years ago

    maybe drew’s secretly european. don’t some of those countries place the ring on the right hand?

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  5.  cid 00b701c66939 664a8550 2c56100a ssiservice21  2
    kittylover2  over 13 years ago

    Annie nothing gets past you does it? You are a crack up!

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  6. Mike aweome
    Cheeseburger23  over 13 years ago

    I’m sure things will really get tense when Drew fires Lila.

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  7. Missing large
    hippogriff  over 13 years ago

    my_diskworld: I think it is mainly men and violinists.

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  8.  cid 00b701c66939 664a8550 2c56100a ssiservice21  2
    kittylover2  over 13 years ago

    I hardly think that Bob is a lout! He does good on and off of work. Drew and Bob are both luckly to have found each other;

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