At least Calvin is burping ‘by himself’. No one who objects to burping in public should be subjected to it. Occasionally, a person might inadvertently burp, and a quick apology or ‘excuse me’ will suffice.
For everyone who’s complained about Calvins’ parents’ parenting methods over the last week or so, you’re not alone… Watterson got the same kinds of complaints back when the strips were first published. Calvin’s Dad saying “…I offered to buy us a dachshund, but, no, you said…” was probably the final straw that got him (and many newspaper editors) a flood of angry mail. He thought it was funny but didn’t realize how many people would dislike it, so he eventually toned down how callous they were.
My guess is that Calvin doesn’t fully get the concept of “sex appeal.” He just perceives it to be cool, without realizing what sort of attention it would get him.
Some time ago, there was a toothpaste that advertised that it gave your mouth sex appeal. For some strange reason, that ad is not played anymore! —Also, remember when everything, especially toothpaste had to have chlorophil (sp) in it. If it was so good, why isn’t it still used?
Why would Dictator-For-Life of the exclusive G.R.O.S.S. club want to drink a special cola that’s supposed to “greatly increase” his sex appeal??? Either he doesn’t comprehend what that truly means or ………. maybe ………. could it be ………. that he doesn’t really hate girls as much as he thinks he does?!?!
Thanks for the info regarding Looney Tunes. I might be able to watch if I didn’t use my free time reading GoComics. :D I do own one DVD of toons but they play the theme song before each and every one!
margueritem over 13 years ago
Ack, right up the nose!
rentier over 13 years ago
Burururpp stops the sex appeal!
MitziFlowers over 13 years ago
Don’t believe everything you see in commercials. Side effects may include some super-massive burps.
vibjyor over 13 years ago
Calvin, thank God you are safe now. Think what would have been Susie’s reaction if the commercials have been true.
LLABDDO over 13 years ago
Do it again.
Troglodyte over 13 years ago
That’s certainly a new way of “snorting” Coke. Cool!
Puddleglum2 over 13 years ago
Sex appeal hardly applies to six-year-olds, fortunately.There are many millions of out-of-wedlock pregnancies, abortions, and STDs, already!
Puddleglum2 over 13 years ago
At least Calvin is burping ‘by himself’. No one who objects to burping in public should be subjected to it. Occasionally, a person might inadvertently burp, and a quick apology or ‘excuse me’ will suffice.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
That was a good one Calvin…lol…almost scared the stripes off of Hobbes!
Phapada over 13 years ago
Big cola stop it cold
NE1956 over 13 years ago
If I need to burp like that, I have to clench my cheeks.
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Calvin, I’d say your sex appeal has taken a turn for the worse.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Don’t know about Susie, but other boys might find it sexy. Look out Calvin.
fran650 over 13 years ago
Guess the sex appeal thing depends on whom you are trying to attract. Moe would be impressed.
dimeadance over 13 years ago
Better burping than farting??
Ervin Johnson over 13 years ago
Calvin, you’ve got fizz appeal!
celeconecca over 13 years ago
probably what the actors in the commercial were doing between takes – I could see Lucky what’s-his-name doing that!
celeconecca over 13 years ago
Lucky Vanous – Coke commercial: knew it would come to me
spirit2002 over 13 years ago
He will belch sweet nothings into your ear.
cosman over 13 years ago
It’s the belch that refreshes..
cleokaya over 13 years ago
I have a brain numbing image in my head of what a woman who would find this sexually appealing might be like.
Brother_James437 over 13 years ago
Well, there went sex appeal out the window. But your too young to have it anyway.
Xane_T over 13 years ago
For everyone who’s complained about Calvins’ parents’ parenting methods over the last week or so, you’re not alone… Watterson got the same kinds of complaints back when the strips were first published. Calvin’s Dad saying “…I offered to buy us a dachshund, but, no, you said…” was probably the final straw that got him (and many newspaper editors) a flood of angry mail. He thought it was funny but didn’t realize how many people would dislike it, so he eventually toned down how callous they were.
runar over 13 years ago
Maybe not sex appeal, but little boy appeal.
Stephen Gilberg over 13 years ago
My guess is that Calvin doesn’t fully get the concept of “sex appeal.” He just perceives it to be cool, without realizing what sort of attention it would get him.
bmonk over 13 years ago
I agree: six-year old boys don’t qualify for sex appeal. Unless they are washed and tidied up for a special occasion, I suppose.
Have to say, though, I love that third panel. Hard to say whether Calvin or Hobbes is funnier.
Numbnumb over 13 years ago
When I was a kid I made my friend laugh so hard while he was drinking a cola that it shot right out his nose. Sure cleans out the sinuses!
ChappellGirl5 over 13 years ago
WHOA! that definitely made him more attractive to me LOL NOT!
Saucy1121 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Is Doc Toon branching out from coffee to sodas now?
pinkdryad Premium Member over 13 years ago
Tell me why Calvin, dictator-for-life of the Get Rid Of Slimy girlS club, would want to increase his sex appeal?
Number Three over 13 years ago
tuslog64 over 13 years ago
Some time ago, there was a toothpaste that advertised that it gave your mouth sex appeal. For some strange reason, that ad is not played anymore! —Also, remember when everything, especially toothpaste had to have chlorophil (sp) in it. If it was so good, why isn’t it still used?
wellhoney over 13 years ago
But you have to admit a good strong burp “à la Calvin”makes you feel good afterwards. Specially if you’ve hada heavy meal. :-))
P.S. – I love Hobbes’ reaction in window 3.
khpage over 13 years ago
Calvin practicing making low frequency effects for a voice-over for the cola company…
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 13 years ago
Pepsi is known to do that.
Uskoke over 13 years ago
It’s been decades since I last drank of a glass Cola bottle like Calvin’s!
Koolfunkygrrl over 13 years ago
That’s SO hot!! My bf and I have burping contests all the time!! Go Calvin!!
ratlum over 13 years ago
them big burps feel so good
Gretchen's Mom over 13 years ago
Why would Dictator-For-Life of the exclusive G.R.O.S.S. club want to drink a special cola that’s supposed to “greatly increase” his sex appeal??? Either he doesn’t comprehend what that truly means or ………. maybe ………. could it be ………. that he doesn’t really hate girls as much as he thinks he does?!?!
BanjinTsuki over 13 years ago
If burps aren’t sexy how on earth did I get married?
lin4869 over 13 years ago
My nose burns just reading the comic and comments. It remembers the sensation—OW!
lin4869 over 13 years ago
Thanks for the info regarding Looney Tunes. I might be able to watch if I didn’t use my free time reading GoComics. :D I do own one DVD of toons but they play the theme song before each and every one!
marararam over 13 years ago
could someone please explain the Madison Avenue joke to a foreigner?
kelzzy over 13 years ago
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
I love those expressions in the third panel. LOL!! XD Panel 3 is an all-time classic.
ratlum over 13 years ago
Marararm All big adv. firms had offices there.
hobbesviously over 13 years ago
Sue them!
me23you52 over 12 years ago
coke tastes so much better when its cold and n a iced coke glass :)
i can taste it already!!!!!! :) :D XD lololol
me23you52 over 12 years ago
lol :) you guys are funny :)