Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for October 06, 2002
"Dear Mr. Publisher, I recently received a form letter from you saying that you had rejected my manuscript, 'The Adventures of Angry Bob.'" "TYPE TYPE." "As a professional myself, I realized that you have a job to do and have to make close judgment calls like this on a daily basis. Thus, I am not one to whine." "TYPE TYPE." "At the same time, I am sure we both realize on a gut level that 'Angry Bob' could revolutionize publishing." "TYPE TYPE TYPE." "For now, why don't you share with me your thought process in this regard and let us see what we can do to move this project forward." "TYPE TYPE TYPE." "Dear Sir, You are the worst writer I have seen in 46 years in the publishing business. May a bus run you over." "These personalized rejections are a great sign."
ArtCreator almost 13 years ago
Trust me, we all wish that.
Cuddleman over 12 years ago
I second the notion.
zianrocks2468 about 12 years ago
I third the notion.
joeshmo30 almost 12 years ago
I will wright to that publisher and force him to publish angry bob
comicsnerd74 almost 10 years ago
I agree…And I fourth the notion.
[Unnamed Reader - 5e2320] over 6 years ago
why are there 3 rats?
PBS1! over 5 years ago
Rat took that remarkably well.
comicfancat1 almost 3 years ago
hey this angry bob stuff is becoming to be like peanuts
Futuristic Calvin over 2 years ago
Does anyone notice that rat has a picture of Farina? (3rd panel)
ChristianGirl13 almost 2 years ago
Wow rat being optimistic?! Who woulda guessed?
76noos 7 months ago
Snoopy had this issue too…..