Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 23, 2003
"Rat's Guide to Good Living." "Today's Lesson: 'Avoiding the Hug Precedent.'" "You are with a group of people, when suddenly, you spot someone you all sort of know..." "Hey...It's Bob." "Thoughtlessly, a member of your group hugs this individual, thereby setting the hug precedent...Each member of your group must now hug this person, or risk looking RUDE!!" "To avoid this difficult situation, simply follow these easy steps..." "First, shake your body violently..." "Second, roll your eyes back into your head." "Third, fall to the floor and lay VERY still. Congratulations! You're now faking your own death!!" With any luck, the group members will flee...Most members have not seen someone die before and they won't want to watch." "When you're SURE everyone is gone, get up slowly and leave." "Avoid stragglers." "You're okay!!"
cfrosenlof almost 12 years ago
I don’t know Steph… the dead rising? Sounds a lot like ZOMBIE RAT!!
rat’s insurance counselor over 5 years ago
tried this yesterday, worked perfectly. would recommend.
alantain almost 2 years ago
Now all you have to do is cough.