Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for April 04, 2004
"Gee, Ivona, this is a great first date. Will you marry me?" "What?" "Uh, could you excuse me? I need to use the restroom." "Okay, $$#@$% why'd you write that?" "Write what?" "Don't play dumb with me, Pastis... I'm going back out to that panel, and when I do, I expect to be in a quiet little date scene, or I'm calling the %$#@ features editor, and having them replace this &^%$ strip with Hagar the Horrible!" "I don't get that."
Jmcook006 about 13 years ago
First Pastis appearance. classic. too bad he didn’t literally “show”…
m.l. over 12 years ago
NI17EG over 11 years ago
I think the idea is that Rat is upset at Pastis for making him say “Will you marry me”, and doesn’t like the direction Pastis is choosing. Which is always amusing, as they then “take control” of their dialogue to complain about it =)
KittyGirl3 over 11 years ago
I love how the bathroom doors say “men”, “women”, and “cartoonists”.
DarthRevan almost 7 years ago
Wait… does that mean that rat walked in on Pastis while he was in the bathroom?
BOSFLASH almost 6 years ago
Looks like a drawn out marriage ceremony.
FrostbiteFalls over 2 years ago
“I don’t get that”…So say far too many commenters, even when the joke should be obvious.
The one and only Eldest Arc (now at peace) about 2 years ago
alantain almost 2 years ago
Never threaten the guy who’s in charge of your entire life.