Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for November 20, 2005

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    slimbrownweed  over 13 years ago

    wow.goats finally given in.

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    ReneeZimbodgi  almost 13 years ago

    Adam and Eve were still alive during the 8th century…

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    thetraveller4  almost 13 years ago

    Adam and eve never existed…

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  4. Dscn1596
    ReneeZimbodgi  over 12 years ago

    Especially because the only thing we know about you from your comments is that you’re a atheist. And that since our beliefs don’t click with yours, we’re wrong. But if evolution IS true, then we won’t go to hell or anything, so what does it matter? To you, it shouldn’t make a difference in the end.

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    Gun guy  over 12 years ago

    First of all, nobody can make real friends over an internet comic site, second, nobody can prove weather the Christian Faith or any other religion is right or wrong based on available evidence, thirdly, this is a COMICS website! Do we really have to get into the fundamentals of religion because of one tiny comment!?!?! Finally, the comments are for stating opinions, and Dawkins fan did just that.

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    m.l.  over 12 years ago
    rat’s actually……………………………….. RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  7. Dscn1596
    ReneeZimbodgi  over 12 years ago

    Seriously, though, the bible said they were alive 950 years.

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    kamb8  over 11 years ago

    We don’t need a religious debate people. But since we have one, I’s like to say something: religion and science concepts like evolution and a four billion+ year old earth are not entirely mutually exclusive.

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    jackproarty  almost 7 years ago

    First of all, OH MY GOD GOAT AGREED WITH RAT! Second, Jesus died in A.D. 6, so Adam and Eve were dead. And third, OH MY GOD GOAT AGREED WITH RAT!!!

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  10. Earl monroe 800x445
    Earls Before Swine Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    In fairness, I’ve heard of King Tut and he’s considerably older than 800 B.C.E.

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