Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 08, 2000
Luann comes up behind her father, who is at the table doing bills. She says, "Dad, I need a raise in my allowance." Frank cries, "RAISE?!" Frank lectures her, "You don't need a raise, Luann. You need a budget. When I was your age bla bla bla ... Bla bla got 25 cents a week ... Can't go ask my boss for a raise whenever I bla bla ... Set aside for a rainy day bla bla ... Bla bla ANY idea how much our water bill is? ... Bla bla According to Alan Greenspan bla bla bla...". Luann walks into the living room, where Brad lies on the couch, reading. Behind her, Frank continues lecturing, "And turn off lights when you're done with them!" Luann says, "Never ask Dad for a raise when he's paying bills." Brad says, "Duh."
sarafaye almost 12 years ago
How did she get that old without knowing that?