Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 15, 2001
"How bad is it??" "Just a small scalp laceration. But these tend to bleed profusely. I have a clean hanky.." "Gunther, you're the only person I know who uses words like laceration and profusely." "I'll just apply a little pressure to stop the bleeding..." "And I bet you're the only teenage guy on Earth who carries a clean hanky."
piggy_at_war over 12 years ago
Ha ha I bet that he is because if a another kid had Hanky they would be covers in shot
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 11 years ago
I’m not like most of the othersusually that’s a dragBut just this once I’m happyMy cloth’s no filthy rag
Mordock999 Premium Member over 6 years ago
Not really. The Cripes and the Bloods carry “hankies.”
DoubleU over 6 years ago
Is she delirious?