Frazz by Jef Mallett for August 21, 2011
Boy swimming in far left lane: I don't mind that there's this midlife stretch where you have to care what other people think. Frazz: I mind that it seems to be the middle 90 percent. Caulfield: You sound like a guy who didn't just walk across town in flip flops and a yellow swimsuit.
WelshRat Premium Member over 13 years ago
What’s with the ghost horn?
KingRat over 13 years ago
@Alun RundleIt relates to the old poem:Beans, beans, the musical fruitThe more you eat the more you toot…
lewisbower over 13 years ago
I wouldn’t glance. What’s this new style of wearing PJs everywhere?
Kelinrose over 13 years ago
I wouldn’t either, I am a older college student and what these girls were to classes sometimes is ridiculous!
chasobrien over 13 years ago
The horn, the horn! Why the horn?
dtaylor404 over 13 years ago
I figured the horn was a clever way of depicting a passing motorist honking at him.
yamabob over 13 years ago
The horn is the old man passing gas!!!!
Redhead55 over 13 years ago
Ha ha. At least the ol’ guy has tone!
lightenup Premium Member over 13 years ago
I think the horn shows that the old guy doesn’t care what he just did. While everyone else around him is horrified at what Frazz is wearing, the old man could care less including what is coming out of his rear.
MRawlins8 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Thanks! I was lost. I did not see the tiny finger picking his nose and thought the child was hiding his face from Frazz so none of it made sense to me. I miss the actual PAPER funnies where I could SEE better.
Zaristerex over 13 years ago
Thank you so much. Because here is the way I originally interpreted it…. P1: Frazz did something to offend the little boy, so the little boy sticks his finger in his nose to deride Frazz. P2: The man in the tie offended the old man, so the old man toots to heckle the man in the tie. Not the first time a Frazz has confused me. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.
jmiezitis over 13 years ago
It’s a Euphonium.
Spade Jr. over 13 years ago
What’s with the horn in the second panel? What am I missing here?
Greg Johnston over 13 years ago
Already answered in the previous comments George – old man is tooting.
childe_of_pan almost 8 years ago
How sad that most of the comments are about the fart, and none of them are about Frazz’s statement. Too much of our behavior is dictated by fear of what others will think if we do what we like, as long as no one is harmed.