Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 17, 1997

  1. Mee
    sweet_lil_eliza  almost 11 years ago

    Albert E invented the atom bomb

    He hated education system

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  2. Im age
    garcalej  almost 11 years ago

    It was Oppenheimer. Albert E just did some of the math.

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  3. Taxonomy
    UniqeUsername  over 10 years ago


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  4. Missing large
    2wellread  about 10 years ago

    Agent Coulson found T.A.H.I.T.I
 oops, wrong comic.

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  5. Large chaos person gocomics missing
    divad27182  over 1 year ago

    Who found/invented/discovered, from memory:

    Lightbulb. Normally cited as Thomas Alva Edison. He did not invent the electric light, but made one much more safe and efficient than preceding ones. I think his was the first “bulb”. This also is one of his biggest mistakes: He predicted a quick result and couldn’t deliver.

    Tahiti. Polynesians. Europeans came by millenia later. [OK, wikipedia says Western Polynesians, before 500BC]

    X-Rays. Aren’t they also known as Roentgen Rays, found by Roentgen?

    Atomic Bomb. I think it was a team working at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

    King Tut’s tomb. Another team, led by Lord “Carnivan” (sp?) [wikipedia: Carnarvon]

    School. The Romans has schools, but not in the modern form. As I recall, an early proponent of modern schools was Emperor Charlemagne. He probably didn’t invent them.

    I will admit I could be wrong on some of these

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    12515527  4 months ago

    Horace Mann is credited for inventing the concept of ‘school’, apparently. He was a ‘pioneer of educational reforms in the US state of Massachusetts’.

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